Course Overview

Come Back Stronger, Sharper and More Resilient

New Strategies, New Habits, New You.



When considering returning to work after a mental health-related illness or a maternity or paternity leave, it is imperative to feel that you are fully equipped with new ways to work to increase your ability to navigate in the workplace, build up your resilience, and even thrive.

One thing is certain. It can’t be the same.

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results,” often attributed to Albert Einstein.


As an employee, you should feel confident in your abilities to change the way you operate, otherwise, you will go back to the habits that got you stressed and ill in the first place.



Self Development is a key part of the success of a “Return-To-Work” policy

A return-to-work policy should be more than a document that outlines the steps and procedures that will be followed when an employee returns to work after a period of absence due to illness or injury. It should cover all of the following aspects:

– **Communication**: The employer should maintain regular and open communication with the employee during their absence and before their return, to offer support, and discuss expectations and adjustments. The employee should also be encouraged to communicate their needs, preferences, and concerns to their manager and colleagues.
– **Planning**: The employer should work with the employee and their health care provider to develop a realistic and flexible return to work plan, that takes into account the employee’s medical condition, recovery progress, and job requirements.
– **Adjustment**: The employer should provide reasonable adjustments to the employee’s work environment, schedule, tasks, and expectations, to facilitate their transition and recovery. These may include reduced hours, flexible working
arrangements, modified duties, additional breaks, increased supervision, or access to counselling or mentoring.
– **Training and coaching**: The employer should offer a clear training and coaching programme to help them build a stronger ability to cope and even thrive in the workplace.

By having a clear and supportive return-to-work policy, businesses can benefit from improved employee engagement, performance, retention, and loyalty, as well as reduced absenteeism, presenteeism, and turnover costs.

Long Lasting Outcomes

As part of the Programme, participants will relearn how to operate and deal with:

+ Having a Boss

+ Managing Meetings

+ Having Objectives

+ Interacting with colleagues

+ Leading a Team

+ Resist Distractions

+ Having Time Constraints

+ Managing Projects

Programme Design

The Return-To-Work Programme is designed to deliver a long-lasting framework over 3 months. During the programme, participants will go through a 3-step approach:

1 – Job description analysis

2 -Training – Workshop

3 – Coaching sessions

Proven Results

Throughout the programme, participants regain their confidence and build up strategies not only to cope with returning to work but to Thrive: take control of their time, build a proactive mindset, and avoid feeling overwhelmed.