Course Overview

Take the pulse of your organisation. How do your people really feel?

The MindLode diagnostic tool is an online survey measuring your employees’ feelings towards working life and the organisation. It is accessed via a proprietary link for each organisation for distribution to all staff.

The survey takes, on average, just under 12 minutes to complete.

The MindLode diagnostic tool has been written in a style and language that reflects the everyday experiences in the workplace and the way people would naturally discuss and talk about them. 

The survey comprises two sections:

  1. The first section concerns individuals’ feelings towards their working lives and the organisation itself. Based on the factors that drive the seven fundamental emotions of MindLode (listed below)
  2. The second section is about demographics, providing additional ways of cutting the data to give a more granular look at your business, its individuals and their feelings (there is an option for this section to be tailored to match the specific interests of the organisation)

The seven fundamental feelings that cover everything that matters to the people in your business, about your business:

  • Feeling Excited / Feeling Bored
  • Feeling Fulfilled / Feeling Pointless
  • Feeling Proud / Feeling Embarrassed
  • Feeling Valuable / Feeling Stuck
  • Feeling Rewarded / Feeling Disdained
  • Feeling Safe / Feeling Threatened
  • Feeling Contented / Feeling Despondent

Like all feelings, the positive end causes people to lean in and venture forward. But on the negative, it makes them withdraw and retreat.

Engaging programmes.Enlighten with data.

Our programmes are engaging, interactive and always measured. The data we receive helps businesses take the pulse of their organisation. From the group level to the team level down to the individual level.

The data tends to fall into one of three buckets:
• The good stuff that perhaps you didn’t realise were strengths to be leveraged and built upon
• The poorer stuff where there is an opportunity to address areas of weakness before they become too much of a problem
• The stuff which you’d always known about but never had the data to justify taking action

Results help form new directions in business, new pathways that can lead to heightened productivity, culture and well-being.

Programme Benefits

How an organisation will benefit

Productivity Tools to control time

Understand the culture in your business

Take the pulse of your organisation to fully understand the culture that is 'live' within the business today.

Become 20% more productive

Step towards a more positive workplace

With a detailed look at how your business 'feels', the data allows you start to lay foundation for a more productive operation by managing your people better – at an individual, team and business level.

Survey Steps

Gain the insight, the understanding to manage your people better and a workplace that functions optimally.

We work with you to create a detailed series of tailored questions to suit your agenda and operational performance.

A proprietary link is provided for distribution to all employees, with individual responses kept entirely anonymous and fed through to a central database.

We invite you to predict what you think the results will reveal.

We then create and deliver a report/the data, with very clear segmentation which breaks down the results, the demographics and any additional information that has been requested.

Your organisation develops a very clear understanding of your people, and how they feel about the workplace, the work, the culture. This gives your business the tools to develop a solid plan to improve on the performance and culture helping you move towards more positive outcomes.

Who is this diagnostic tool for?

The MindLode diagnostic tool was developed for businesses that want to manage their people more effectively, improving performance, retention and recruitment.

Middle Managers Icon

Business Owners

Business owners that want to understand their people better, and want to identify the drivers that will help retain or attract talent.

Middle Managers Icon

Head of People / HR Managers

Head of People or HR Managers that need to take the pulse of the business, understand what type of people within the business can help drive performance forward, retain talent and reduce recruitment costs.

Want to learn more aboutMindLode diagnostics?

Please get in touch with our team on
+44 (0)1386 828 427, or email