Deadlines: familiar, unavoidable, and yet missed as frequently as a bus. How many have you missed in the last year? Even when they are pushed back and eventually completed, the knock-on effect is already in motion. The simple sum in business is this: Missing deadlines affect productivity. Productivity equals profitability, and each deadline that gets missed has a ripple effect directly down to the bottom line of the business. Whether you’re working for a small or large company or you’re freelancing, missing a deadline impacts profitability, morale, and reputation.

A world in which you meet your deadline is possible. So what’s the big secret? How can you stop missing deadlines and start delivering on time, every time?

Here’s the five-step guide you need:

Step 1: Reflect and plan

As humans, we are wishful thinkers who underestimate how long things will take and we forget about sickness, unforeseen tasks and third-party delays. Reflect on previous tasks and be honest about the time they took, then plan your time in and always add extra. Your entire project time has to be cemented into your calendar, every single minute of it, with a buffer on top.

Step 2: Be accountable

Firstly, be honest with yourself, ensure that you are 100% focused on hitting this deadline, and tell yourself that it’s only you who can make it happen. Secondly, keep yourself accountable to others and ensure your time is visibly carved out and labelled as such, leaving no doubt as to what you’re working on.

Step 3:  Prepare for distraction

Switch off the bombardment of emails, informal chats, background noise, and social media, which come at us demanding attention and taking focus away from the task in hand. Build your barricade and don’t let anyone infiltrate it when you’re working on your project.   Recognise that your personal life will also be competing for your attention, so assign yourself a window of time to tackle any pressing issues.

Step 4: Harness your highs

Truly understand your peak productive times each day and get the bulk of the work done within these periods to the best of your ability. Use lower productivity periods to review your progress and plan for the next phase.

Step 5: Assume positive intent and collaborate well

Hitting deadlines is rarely a one-person sport, when working with others assume positive intent and be honest, open-minded and team-spirited. Meaningful collaboration and managing others’ expectations engender a happier environment and pave a smoother path to completion.

Keeping projects and tasks to schedule can feel tough, but following this guide each time you have a deadline will reinforce best practice and keep progress at its peak. Reflect on your input and refine your approach, be honest about your performance with yourself and think about the part you play in getting to the deadline on time.

Here to help you

Join the list of software developers, project managers and freelancers who have already chosen to work with Avilio and changed their lives in the process. We are experts in implementing  sustainable, long-term techniques to increase your productivity at work, whilst boosting your happiness both professionally and personally. We’d love to talk with you about how we can make this happen for you and your organisation.